Caribbean Haroset

This issue’s recipe comes from Hanna Abreu, whose ancestors arrived to the Dominican Republic from Valladolid, Spain, at the end of the 1700s. Abreu, who now resides in Florida, describes herself as “mother, chef, pastry cook and cooking enthusiast for as long as I can remember. I was first introduced to Mediterranean cuisine through Italian cuisine and it was love at first sight. Since then, I have done exhaustive research on the gastronomy of the Sefardi communities of the Mediterranean and Middle East and I try to recreate these delicacies especially for the Sabbath table and Festivals.” Enjoy!
2 red apples, peeled and grated
1/2 cup of shredded coconut
1/2 cup black raisins soaked in 1/4 cup of wine or raisin juice for an alcohol free version.
Honey or maple syrup for a vegan version, to taste if one wishes to add more sweetness.
Soak the raisins in the wine for 5 minutes. Then make it into a paste with a food processor or a blender.
Remove from blender and mix with the rest of the ingredients.
Let it rest preferably overnight.
Notes about the recipe:
· It is preferable to make this recipe the day before Pesah in order for the flavor of the ingredients to concentrate thoroughly.
· If you don't have a blender, you can make a more rustic paste by finely chopping the raisins and then mixing with the other ingredients