Seven-Fruit Charoset from Surinam
by Irma Robles Cardozo This special Passover recipe comes from Judy Cardozo Tenenbaum and Debby Cardozo Smith, who received it from their...

Community in Focus: Wembley
Following is the latest in a series about various S&P communities around the world, written by Yoel Pimentel, a member of the London...

Community in Focus: Bendigamos, Amsterdam
Interview with Nachshon Rodrigues Pereira, founder of the Bendigamos Community Amsterdam You are located in Amsterdam where the oldest...

Melodies for the Home
Over the years, Western Sephardi communities have accumulated many, wonderful melodies to sing around the Shabbat table. One of the best...

The Silk Talit: A Jewish-Italian Story of Rediscovery
Silk Tallit: A Story of Jewish-Italian Rediscovery

The Diary of Asser Levy: First Jewish Citizen of New York
The Diary of Asser Levy: First Jewish Citizen of New York by Daniela Weil American patriot Asser Levy began life in Vilna (part of...

Directory of S&P / Western Sephardi Communities
This handy booklet provides a directory of several dozen historic Western Sephardi congregations around the world with this helpful...

Passover Apple Almond Cake
The following recipe for Passover is inspired by the flavors of Spain (almonds, fruits, cinnamon) and also to be all natural. It can be...

Sephardi: Cooking the History
A wonderful, new cookbook by chef and scholar Hélène Jawhara-Piñer gives readers and food lovers and unprecedented glimpse into hundreds...