Panel Discussion Held on S&P Communities Around the World
In August 2018, members of eight S&P communities from across the globe gathered at Congregation Shearith Israel -- The Spanish & Portuguese Synagogue -- in New York for a panel discussion on the history, current life, and traditions in these communities

Panelists included Jacob Oslick (Mikveh Israel, Philadelphia), Zachary Edinger and daughter Navah (Shearith Israel, New York), Rene Samson (Esnoga, Amsterdam), Adam Jackson (Lauderdale Road Synagogue, London), Anna Ruth Henriques (United Cong. of Israelites, Jamaica), Vania Carvalho (Kahal Zur Israel, Recife), Raffaele Bedarida (Jewish Community of Livorno), David Shahmoon (Shearith Israel, Montreal), and Joshua de Sola Mendes (moderator). The evening ended with a group rendition of Bendigamos, which you can listen to here: